
Nurse Line

Get Advice Anytime. Day or Night.

If you have medical questions, a certified nurse can help you determine next steps, home treatments or if you need to visit your doctor, urgent care, or
the ER.

As a member of Washington Teamsters Welfare Trust, you have access to a registered nurse 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The Nurse Line is provided at no cost to you and it is entirely confidential.

A registered nurse can help you:

  • Decide if you should go to your doctor, Urgent Care or the ER
  • Get answers about your prescription medications
  • Learn how to take care of certain health concerns at home
  • Prepare for doctor visits
  • Make lifestyle choices to improve your health
  • Make informed decisions about tests and procedures
  • Get health information resources and tips
  • Get printed materials on many health and wellness topics

The Nurse Line is an educational resource and not intended to constitute healthcare. If you have any concerns about your health, you should consult with your physician. In an emergency, call 911 or your local emergency services number.

Trust Medical Plan
Kaiser Permanente Plan

Sometimes it’s not convenient, or even possible, to talk to your doctor when you need information or answers to your questions. It’s nice to know that, even in the middle of the night or on weekends, you can call the 24-hour NurseLine to talk with a nurse about health concerns.

Call the 24-hour NurseLine: (855) 784-4561


Sometimes it’s not convenient, or even possible, to talk to your doctor when you need information or answers to your questions. It’s nice to know that, even in the middle of the night or on weekends, you can call the 24/7 Nurse Line to talk with a nurse about health concerns.

If you get your care with Kaiser Permanente (formerly Group Health) Medical Centers, the Consulting Nurse Service staff has access to portions of your medical history and prescriptions, so they can better advise you on what is best for your personal situation.

Call the 24/7 Consulting Nurse line: (800) 297-6877
