
Disability Waivers

Disability Waiver Information

If you are unable to work due to an on- or off-the-job injury, you may be eligible for a disability waiver, which would allow you to maintain your benefits but not require you to pay a monthly COBRA premium for a period of time.

All of the medical, dental, and vision plans include three monthly waivers for each disability, but your bargaining unit may have negotiated an additional nine months of medical plan waivers. Please refer to your collective bargaining agreement or log in to to see the details of your plan and if you have the additional nine months of medical disability waivers.

If you are disabled from your work and have submitted proof of the disability from your physician and employer, you may receive a waiver of contributions for up to three months if you remain disabled from your work during that time. The waiver period will begin on the first of the month following the month your employer’s paid coverage ends. This waiver allows continuation of any of the following coverage that you have under the Trust:

  • Medical/prescription
  • Vision
  • Dental
  • Life/AD&D

Certain employer groups have negotiated an additional nine months of medical waivers (12 months total). For these groups, the waiver of contributions for months four through twelve applies to medical and prescription coverage only (and if covered, life and AD&D coverage) and do not include vision, dental or Time Loss coverage.

At the conclusion of the waiver period, you may elect COBRA and begin making COBRA self- payments, but your combined continuation coverage under the waiver period and COBRA may not exceed 18 months (29 months if you are disabled and qualify for the COBRA Disability extension).

Contact the Trust Administrative Office at (800) 458-3053 for a Time Loss/Waiver Application or to inquire about the medical benefit extension, or look to your benefits booklets for more information.

Booklets are available online at
