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Dependent Verification Program

Dependent Verification Program

It is important to the Trust to make sure that every participant and their eligible spouse or children have the coverage they need. Recently the Trust concluded a confidential dependent eligibility verification program, and has begun notifying participants of dependents who were removed from coverage because verification was not received.

If you were not able to respond within the time frame and have had a dependent removed from coverage, you will be receiving a letter to your home that details your appeal rights and steps you can take.

Please see below for more information. If you have any questions, please contact us at (800) 458-3053.


The purpose of this program was to ensure that each dependent enrolled in a Trust medical or dental plan was currently eligible for coverage. Covering dependents that are not eligible raises cost for benefits, which is reflected in the premiums paid by participants.


If you have dependents, a spouse and/or children, enrolled in a Washington Teamsters Welfare Trust medical or dental plan, over the summer you received a letter addressed to your home that detailed what action/information was required to keep coverage for your enrolled dependents.

Now that the audit has concluded, if participants did not provide verification for their dependents, they will receive a letter from the Trust after September 1, 2015 advising them which dependents have been removed from coverage.

This letter will detail a participant’s rights to appeal, and also advise them on whether or not any of their dependents who were removed from coverage, can be reinstated retroactively if they provide documentation/verification by December 31, 2015. If a participant does not provide verification for a removed dependent before December 31, 2015 then coverage will only be reinstated prospectively from the date verification is received by the Trust.

What You Need to Do

If you received a letter informing you of dependents who were removed from coverage, please provided the requested documentation/verification information by December 31, 2015. Documents to be provided might include marriage certificates, birth certificates, and copies of other documents that validate current relationship status.

If you do not provide verification for a removed dependent before December 31, 2015, coverage will not be reinstated retroactively but prospectively from the date verification is received by the Trust.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (800) 458-3053.



Thank you for helping to manage our plan expenses so we can continue to provide excellent healthcare plans at affordable rates.
